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Arquivos : Textos y Trabajos : Bibliografía : mechanics-of-solids-elasticity
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Fecha: Sun, 08 Ago 2021
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Elastic solids are characterized as materials that behave like springs. As long as they are not permanently deformed, it always takes the same amount of force to displace the material the same amount and when the force is released the material returns to its original dimensions. This can be compared to a spring. If you hang a weight on a spring and measure the amount it stretches and then release the weight, then the spring returns to its original length. If you hang the same weight from the spring again, then the spring stretches the same amount as it did the first time. This is the response of elastic solids (as long as the force is not big enough to permanently deform the material). We observed this response in the Using Hooke's Law to Understand Materials activity, so now we are going to explore the mathematics and theory of this response in detail and learn how engineers analyze elastic material behavior.

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